IMPORTANT: Your copy of my 5-Second Manifesting Method will arrive in your inbox in 5-10 minutes. While you wait, watch this short but important video I made for you... 

How Mompreneurs and Working Moms Manifest Their Dream Lives... WithOUT Neglecting Their Families to Do It

πŸ‘‰ Read This Entire Page if You Want to Learn the Secrets to Manifesting Abundance Ethically and Effortlessly

I'm going to go out on a limb and make a bold statement about you...

You were NOT born to just pay bills and die…


I have something critically important to share with you... IF you are ready to hear it...
But first, I'm wondering...

Are you tired?

Tired of stressing about money...

Tired of struggling to balance it all...

Tired of taking one step up and two steps back...

Tired of telling your kids "we can't afford it"...

Tired of being in "survival mode," "catch-up" mode... the "feast or famine" cycle...

...or just treading water and never getting anywhere...

How much would it mean to you, to completely transform your financial future, have more freedom, more security, and more PEACE OF MIND?

How much would THAT kind of success be worth to YOU, to your life, to your family’s life, and to all the others you could positively impact with the weight of financial worry finally OFF of your shoulders?

I mean, just imagine being debt-free, plenty of money in the bank, plenty more rolling in every month... 
All your bills are paid on time or early... 
You never stress about spending money on something you want... 
You are free to travel, spending plenty of time with your loved ones... 
You go to bed each night with a feeling of total peace and gratitude...
And you wake up each morning with a sense of purpose, freedom, and excitement.

Can I be really frank with you for a moment?

I wake up every morning, and go to sleep each night, filled with gratitude that I am doing work that I LOVE, enjoying a great work-life balance, exploring my creativity, checking things off my “bucket list” left and right, spending time with the people I love more than anything… 

And you can have this, too.

BUT.... You and I both know, it's about so much more than that! 

Can you imagine having the time to do the things you're truly passionate about...
Just take a moment, and picture what it would look like, having the time, the resources, and the FREEDOM to devote to helping others....
To volunteer, and contribute to the causes and missions that you feel called to...
To finally break the cycle of lack and struggle that you learned from your parents, and make sure your kids learn something better from you...
To break free from the chains of just "getting by" and be able to focus on helping to make the world a better place...
To set an example and inspire others...
To show your kids (and other women just like you) what is possible...
To enjoy the freedom to invest your time into creative and heart-centered activities that ignite your passion and provide a sense of purpose...
How much more meaningful and fulfilling would this make your life?
Plus... it would be pretty darned cool to enjoy all the little “extras,” too, like...
Can you see yourself living in a beautiful home, in a safe and beautiful neighborhood, where you can hear the birds chirping in the morning, and the sounds of children laughing and playing?
Can you feel the wind in your hair as you roll around in your dream car, with the sunroof open (or the top down)?!
Can you imagine traveling around the world without worrying about the credit card bill when you get back?
Just think... how cool would it be to get your massages and your mani-pedis and then come home to a clean house because your cleaning service was there while you were gone?
And, more importantly, how amazingly freeing would it feel to do all of it with total peace of mind because the credit cards all have zero balances...
...knowing that, if you need or decide to take off a day or week or month or two of work you'll still be just fine…

I gotta tell you, living this kind of life is a beautiful thing, and I am sooooo grateful every day.

So WHY am I adding something new to my plate by offering this course?

It’s pretty simple, really… I pay attention, and I SEE YOU
I see you when you come into my studio, frazzled, stressed, and feeling that somehow you are not good enough or not worthy of even ASKING for the life you really want, let alone receiving it.

I see you on social media in Facebook groups, posting about your struggles and having no idea how to keep smiling when you feel like your life is a house of cards that could come crashing down at any moment.

I see you making strides and getting excited about your progress… and then getting the wind knocked out of you when “life happens” and you get pushed back one more step than you just took forward.

I see you, and I hear you. I hear you when you ask for my help… and I love helping one person at a time with the time I have to give you. 
But there are only so many hours in the day… and I want to help more than just a few of you. 
I want to help as many as possible… because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Universe IS abundant… 
That YOU are an infinite being, an integral part of the Universe and all that is… 
And that EVERYTHING is available to you. I know that you DON’T have to struggle. 
And I just happen to also know how you can re-wire your brain and energy field to tap into ALL of that Universal abundance that is rightfully yours by the mere fact that you are here.

Turn Up Your Speakers and Press Play to Learn About The Surprising Way Working Moms Manifest Abundant Lives (Even If You're Low on Time and Patience)


Are you ready to re-wire your brain, to become a money magnet and abundance badass? Click that YES! button below for instant access to your new dream life!


"β€œThese recordings -- omg! I have been using them for just over 3 weeks and so much has changed for me! From my attitude and mood to my financial situation. I have had unexpected money coming in out of nowhere, and I feel like my brain is now "primed" for action haha. I keep coming up with more and more ideas to make money, and for once, I'm actually doing something about my ideas instead of finding excuses to put it off. Thank you so much for this, its a real god-send!Β πŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ€©β€"

Sonja Rincon
Cinnaminson, NJ

"β€œAs I move through module 5, I'm learning just how many abundance blocks I actually have. This work is going so deep for me and is forcing me to pay attention to things I've ignored for way too long. Thank you for sharing these practices with us and for being such a bad-ass abundance guru. With the help of this course, I'm ready to start getting the f@*k out of my own way.”"

Lindsay Carlisle
Tulum, Mexico

"β€œNatalie, I just want to tell you THANK YOU! I have been such a bundle of stress for many many months. It's affected my job, my memory, not being able to sleep and my overall life. I listened to your recording this morning at work during my break. After listening to you, I felt more relaxed and at peace. I drove in the rain without getting anxious. I finished working without getting stressed and I'm working on my business (after my day job) and I don't feel rushed or pressured. Thank you for putting this together and helping those of us who need help.”"

Joy Bobrink
Yucaipa, CA

"β€œI happened upon Natalie's free Immune Boost Meditation back in March and was very impressed by Natalie's soothing voice and the meditation itself. Later, I purchased her "Abundance Badass Blueprint" program. Since starting, our financial situation has improved in many ways and my paycheck has increased significantly. Additionally, it has increased my overall happiness in all areas of my life, I have put into place daily systems that were established in this program and continue to use the awesome meditations that continue to keep me on track and Vibin' High! And I have continued support through the online group and weekly live meetings, thank you Natalie!”"

Kirsten Landon
Bear, DE

"β€œNatalie is truly a gift. I cannot begin to describe how much she helped me with just one session! Her ability to pinpoint your problems and attack them head on is truly unique and life changing. Her method really helped me examine what steps I needed to take to completely change not only my mindset but the way I approach difficult situations and insecurities. This is not a woo-woo spiritual patch. She creates a solid groundwork for you to solve the issues holding you back and address them in a healthy and positive way. I cannot stress enough how impactful her method is. Don’t waste your time feeling down and not getting where you want to be!! Natalie is the answer!!β€œ"

Agnes Fohn
Sherman, CT

Hey there, 

I wanted to talk to you today because I had a super important message that I felt nudged by the Universe to share with you. 

I understand you may not know me well enough yet, and you may wonder:

"Who is this woman, and why should I listen to her?"

Well, let me tell you just a bit more about this program, myself, and why I'm doing what I'm doing.

What I teach in The Abundance Badass Blueprint, is a complete system for living that I’ve been fortunate enough to discover... but only after years and years of trying everything under the sun to get the law of attraction to really work consistently for me.

So, if you have been struggling and scraping your whole life… 

Or if you know what it feels like to get a sweet taste of good fortune... only to always seem to have something happen that snatches it away before you ever really get to even relax and exhale, let alone enjoy it… and to have this happen over and over and over again… 


Maybe you might even be doing alright but can’t help feeling like there is so much more for you... 

Then this will be the most important letter you’ll read all year. 

Here’s Why...

What if I told you… that I truly believe there is a way for you to finally create that abundant life of freedom and ease you’ve been dreaming of… 

Plus a way to remove all those stumbling blocks that have stopped you from doing this until now?

I’m talking about a simple, step-by-step, laser focused, and truly effective approach to attracting wealth into your life over and over… and over again. 

The same approach that I’ve used to manifest a debt-free and joyful “charmed life” of freedom, ease, and abundance… 

❌  WITHOUT working my ass off 12 hours a day… 

❌  WITHOUT taking advantage of anyone... doing anything unethical... or doing boring, unfulfilling, life-draining, mind-numbing, or back-breaking work… 

❌   WITHOUT sacrificing my relationships or my health… 

❌  WITHOUT going every day to a job I HATE and working with people I don’t like…. 

All of this, while having plenty of time to spend with the ones I love, to explore my hobbies and passions, and to enjoy those little luxuries and adventures that make life FUN and fulfilling… 

Sound interesting?

Hi, my name is Natalie Kita…

And ever since I discovered and developed this formula... I’ve been able to build multiple successful businesses for myself, while teaching others to find their own unique ways to financial abundance.

All through the science of raising their energetic vibrations to attract and manifest money easily, reliably, quickly, and consistently! 

I absolutely love seeing my coaching clients use these methods to become walking money magnets, and radiant forces of nature in their own rights.

But, it’s really important for me to tell you…

It Wasn't Always Like This.

I totally understand what it’s like to want and to dream of more… but to think that... maybe, that kind of life just isn’t available to “people like me.” 

Maybe I just don’t have what it takes. :(

Like you, I always dreamed of being successful, having financial peace of mind… having the freedom to spend time doing the things that really make my heart smile… 
And I wanted to impact other’s lives for the better, including not only my own family, but lots of other people as well. 
But that wasn’t my reality. And maybe it’s not yours either… YET.

Have you ever woken up in the morning and lay there in bed… feeling paralyzed… knowing you have to get up and start off to work, but also feeling like… what’s the point? 
Thinking to yourself, I thought there was more to life than this… Why am I working so hard and never getting ahead? 
Why do I see other people doing fun, fulfilling, amazing things… going places I only wish I could go… buying things I only wish I could buy…” 
Have you watched your bank account grow and dwindle… grow and dwindle… or maybe it NEVER grows… maybe you’re just barely meeting the bills every month… and every time you get a little bit ahead… your car breaks down, or you get sick, or…. whatever the tragedy of the month is THIS time.

Well if you’ve felt that way, and wondered those things, you’re not alone. 
Truth be told, I grew up very poor… I’m talking about getting boxes of food from the church, on welfare, getting made fun of at school for the hand-me-downs on my back, and catching-rainwater-in-barrels-for-bathing-because-the-water-got-shut-off-for-non-payment kind of poor.

So when I first learned about the law of attraction years ago, I was really excited to try it out… and it kind of worked…. until it didn’t… and then worked again for a little while… until it didn’t… So frustrating!! 
Does any of that sound familiar?
Don’t get me wrong, I was already doing better than my parents had done… but there was ALWAYS something that would “pop up” to stop the flow of money and reverse it to the wrong direction, right out of my hands… and I didn’t understand why. 
I worked soooooo hard all the time… and yet, I was at best, only one paycheck away from bankruptcy at any given time… 
And then, when I was pregnant with my second child, I got put on bedrest for almost 5 months… and bankruptcy became a reality. 
My pride, my credit score, and my self-belief hit an all-time low.

I still **kind of** believed in the law of attraction… but honestly, I thought maybe I was just too damaged from my upbringing to ever manifest enough money to become something other than the “poor girl” identity I wasn’t even aware I had adopted (and actually kind of clung to)... as crazy as that might sound. 
So I made excuses, to make myself feel better… I blamed circumstances, fate, my parents, the government, society… 
I began to believe that “the system was rigged” against people like me.
But, still I kept seeing others having success… and many of those people who I simultaneously admired and burned with envy toward… had come from poverty just as I did… 
I HAD to believe that, if they could do it, I could too.. 
And the more I looked closely at those who were having success, the more it really started to sink in — They were approaching their lives in an entirely different way. 
And I’m not talking like a silver bullet or short term hack kind of way… I’m talking about…
A Whole Different Way Of Thinking About How The World Works (And How HUMANS Work, On A Deeper Level)
And that's what I teach in The Abundance Badass Blueprint.

The Abundance Badass Blueprint

Unlock the Secret to Manifesting Success, FINALLY - So That Abundance Becomes Your Natural State of Being - So Effortless and Automatic For You, It's Like Breathing.

Here's What You'll Learn:

βœ“ What the law of attraction is (and isn’t), and how it really works (and doesn’t)

βœ“ How to easily get total clarity on your life vision, so that the Universe knows EXACTLY what to bring into your reality

βœ“ How to raise your “salary ceiling” so that you finally break through your current upper financial limits

βœ“ Easy and quick daily practices (I’m talking just seconds here) to raise your vibration to be an energetic match to the things you desire, so they are drawn to you like a magnet to steel

βœ“ How to stop disempowering, vibration-lowering thoughts in their tracks, so you STOP de-railing yourself with procrastination, distractions, addictive behaviors, and other forms of self-sabotage (aka, how to quiet your head-squirrels when they argue with you)

βœ“ How to figure out the specific and personal blocks that are holding you back from reaching the state of flow and effortless abundance in your life? (and then how to DELETE them from your brain just like deleting old software files from a hard drive.)

βœ“ How to gain more emotional intelligence and control than you’ve ever had. (It’s NOT about stuffing or denying your emotions, it’s about carefully cultivating them!)

βœ“ The most powerful manifesting energy in the Universe (that nobody has ever told you about), and how to harness it to become a master manifestor in the most enjoyable way you could imagine!

βœ“ Simple (and not at all weird or kooky) wealth anchors and rituals that you can use to keep your focus on abundance all the time

βœ“ Using your physical body to enhance your money magnetism (instead of BLOCKING IT, like it may be doing now without you even realizing it)

βœ“ How to define and refine your understanding of WHO YOU REALLY ARE, at your core… and how to use that new understanding to focus your energy and intention like a laser-beam on what you really want.

βœ“ How AUTOMATING your manifesting practices will increase their effectiveness (and how to do it!)

βœ“ An entirely new way to relate to money. Once you master this, your resistance to manifesting a lot more of it will dissolve away easily.

But That's Not All..

I am also including some pretty special (and VERY valuable) bonuses just for taking quick action to transform your own financial future!

Your "Fast Action" Bonuses

Because I want to give you the best possible chance of success, I am including some special FREE bonuses to the the first few action-takers to sign up for this course.

πŸ‘‰ Bonus #1: LIVE COACHING CALLS! (Valued at $797)

6 monthly live coaching Zoom Sessions (for during AND after you finish the course, so you keep making progress!) in an exclusive private community filled with other like-minded seekers of a better life.

You will be able to ask your questions live, or submit them beforehand, and get answers tailor-made just for your needs!

PLUS, you will have access to all past coaching call replays, so you can learn from those who came before you!

πŸ‘‰ Bonus #2: My Morning β€œMagic 8” Manifesting Meditation (Valued at $97)

This guided meditation is only 25 minutes long, and is the perfect meditation for people who “suck at meditating” (spoiler alert: I used to be one of you!)

This meditation is broken up into 8 short phases, in a specific, purposeful order, to send your energetic vibration through the roof!

You WILL feel the power of this from the first time you use it! It is a HUGE tool in your manifesting toolbox!

πŸ‘‰ Bonus #3: My Top Done-For-You Money-Magnetizing Daily Affirmations (Valued at $37)

Over 100 carefully written affirmations, using advanced hypnotic and NLP (neurolinguistic programming)—based techniques.

These are great for a quick, “I don’t want to have to think about it” tool that you can use from Day 1 to start creating a powerful attraction between you and all your desires!

Just choose the ones that apply to you, and go!

πŸ‘‰ Bonus #4: The 10-Minute Energy-Clearing Meditation (Valued at $97)

The Energy Clearing Meditation is a powerful audio session that will help you get rid of heavy, dense, stuck energy that is TYING YOU DOWN and tethering you to low frequency vibration…

This recording will help you say goodbye to the stuff that is keeping you from attracting things on the higher frequencies of wealth and abundance… Yep, I’m going to help you clear that ‘gunk” out, in just 6 minutes, any time you want!!!!

πŸ‘‰ Bonus #5: My Top Self-Love Affirmations (pdf and mp3) (Valued at $37)

A lack of self-love and self-worth is one of the biggest money blocks there is. I want to help you with that!

Get my quick and easy self-love boosting affirmations, in both pdf and mp3 audio format, and learn to love, trust, and believe in yourself more... so you STOP blocking the flow of abundance in your life!

πŸ‘‰ Bonus #6: Private High Vibe Tribe Community (Valued at $97)

In addition to my public "High Vibe Tribe" Facebook Group, you will also get access to the more exclusive, invitation-only online community, where you can find an accountability partner, watch replays of past live coaching calls, ask course-related questions, share your wins and "ahas," and get the support you need on your manifesting journey. 

All this, PLUS a full year of membership in the private online membership community - The High Vibe Tribe -- where you will get access to exclusive members-only content, and replays of all past live coaching calls, too! This membership alone is worth $1188! 

Between this last bonus and the Live Group Coaching calls, you’ll have the benefit of extra direct personal access to me, and some serious hand-holding.  

Oh... and one more thing...

I'm also giving you some special *surprise* bonuses worth over $500!

Anyway, I wanted to let you know about this NOW, because for a super limited time, you can get access to this course at a price it will NEVER be offered at again… 

This is all going to be yours, accessible in your own home, at your own pace, whenever it works for YOUR schedule.

Now, I have personally invested tens of thousands of dollars and who knows how many thousands of hours learning this stuff... experimenting with it and refining it in my own life... teaching it to others and, watching as their lives transformed, too.

This information is worth so much more than what I’m going to be asking for it.  

Even my own mentor and others I respect and admire have told me I should be charging at least $2,000-$3,000 for all this course content, and more importantly, for the results it can create in your life.

So, with your course (worth $2000) and bonuses (worth $2850!), the total value of what you’re getting is $4850! 

But… Right NOW… it’s all yours for only $497! 

That’s 90% off! 

BUT the massive bonuses and deep discount will only be available for a very limited time...

And, of course, once you leave this page, I can't guarantee this course will still be offered with all of these bonuses at such a steep discount...

Make It Easy!

Join Now and Pay in 12 Installments of Just $97 Each

YES! I Want to Be a Money Magnet & Get Started for Just $97!

Save Me Money!

Join Now For a Single Payment of $997 and Save $167! 

YES! I Want to Be a Money Magnet & Save $167!

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m so glad you asked! First, this is a comprehensive program — not just an ebook or a few audio recordings. As such, you are an active participant, and there will be personal access to me, your instructor, to support you throughout your journey

Second, I understand that YOU are not like everybody else… so this training is purposely designed to address and integrate every learning modality, all of your senses, and every aspect of your being - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and material, by using a technique called immersion
Third, this program makes use of modern technology to automate your results so they are easily and quickly made into part of your daily life. 
Fourth, unlike other programs, this is a BALANCED approach that leads you to a healthy and balanced LIFE. It’s not all magic and woo.... but it’s not all technical and science-y and “hard work” either. This program is right in the “sweet spot” where you lay the groundwork to learn and plug in the systems... but you also get simple automated “hacks” to get you to that “second-nature” stage of effortless, limitless FLOW that makes your dream life real. Yes, it takes effort, but NOT hard work. You can do this while still having a life. 
Finally, we go DEEP in this course, but we are also practical. There are several techniques you’ll learn in this course that take mere SECONDS out of your day… but have a tremendous impact. And this is just the start.

Great question! Honestly, that’s mostly up to you, because this course is available to you for life… so you really can go at your own pace. However, the live coaching runs for 8 weeks, and I highly recommend taking about a week with each module to fully absorb and implement what you are learning. The video lessons within the modules are only 2-15 minutes long each… so if you take a module a day, that’s only a few minutes.
Exercises and daily practices can take anywhere from a few seconds in the beginning, to a half an hour per day once you’ve built all your daily abundance practices into your daily routine.aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

This is what’s soooo special about getting in on this course opportunity! I will be offering weekly Live coaching via Zoom, plus replays posted in our private online community. You can join us on the Lives and ask questions in real-time… or, you can post your questions in the group and I’ll answer them during the Lives… and the replays will be there and available for you when it works for your schedule.
I am also offering personal email support(Soon, this level of support with be available only with my higher-level mastermind program… but for a limited time only, it is included in this course at no additional cost to you!)

No. I will be starting with some Law of Attraction basics in the first couple modules in the course, to make sure you have a foundation… but the rest is pure tools and strategies… because you don’t NEED to understand how an engine works to drive a car to your destination…. right???

NO! No matter your employment status, you can ALWAY re-wire your mind to create, attract, receive, and enjoy more money and abundance! 
You’ll be amazed at the surprising doors that can open up once you now how to magnetize yourself to money.
Yes. You have the option, instead of the one payment of $997, to make 12 monthly payments of $97 each. 
Obviously, the single payment option saves you money... but the installment option is there for you if you need it

So listen... if you’ve made it this far, thank you so much for giving me your valuable time.  

You are clearly invested and committed to making big strides in your journey toward a truly abundant life. 

πŸ‘‰ But… if you only skimmed (TLDR), let me give you the cliff notes:

The Abundance Badass Blueprint is going to give you the missing pieces of the LOA puzzle, to help you raise your vibration, so that you will earn, receive, and manifest more wealth and abundance than you ever thought possible.

You have a rare opportunity RIGHT NOW, for a very limited time, to get into this training and learn these life-changing secrets at 90% off of the $4359 value of the course and all the bonuses (just $497!)... 
Before it goes up to its normal price of $1997... and those bonuses go away...

Click one of the “YES” buttons below (your choice) to join me inside and get started on your personal road to the life you REALLY want!

Make It Easy!

Join Now and Pay in 12 Installments of Just $97 Each

YES! I Want to Be a Money Magnet & Get Started for Just $97!

Save Me Money!

Join Now For a Single Payment of $997 and Save $167! 

YES! I Want to Be a Money Magnet & Save $167!

DISCLAIMER: No guarantee is made or implied that you will be able to duplicate the exact results described above. The testimonials shown are from real people who have used the trainings referenced on this page. However, these references and examples are for descriptive purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors... including but not limited to your personal commitment, attitude, attention, and application of the knowledge, as well as consistent/correct use of the tools offered here.


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Two Step

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